Saturday, February 5, 2011

All of the things this post is not about.

There will be very little in this post about school, or quitting my job (which I recently did). Instead, I will focus on the things I have been doing to distract me from my mid-degree crises.
So! This recipe is my new favourite. Biscuits. Plain old, delicious, buttery, just-like-my-mom-made-them (but with real butter!) biscuits. Here are some reasons:
*if you are like me, and have only become interested in developing your cooking skills in the last six months or so (about the same time you decided that kids are probably a good idea) these are incredibly easy.
*they are almost foolproof.
*more butter= more delicious with this recipe.

I have made them a few times now, and I have a few tips for serious beginners. 1.) music really helped me to make sure that I was kneading my dough enough. This sounds silly, but I have zero attention span for cooking, which is why I fail at food all the time. I have recently discovered that music (*ahem* dancing) while cooking helps me to stay focused by providing just enough of a distraction. I highly suggest the following albums for these biscuits:
The Fugitives "In Streetlight Communion."
Twilight Hotel "Highway Prayer."

2.) extra cream. I used whipping cream (because my husband is currently obsessed with full-fat, animal fat, all kinds of *good fat* diets and we always have whipping cream... he has a nice bum and also drinks wine, so I keep him), and I used 2 full cups of it the last time that I made these. It made my dough much softer, and easier to handle. I'm not convinced that it actually made a ton of difference in the finished product, but having more workable dough definitely helped me to feel less nervous while preparing and baking them.

3.) small biscuits. I always make mine far too big, and they turn out all kinds of odd shapes, and are probably closer to scones for this reason. I am trying to correct this.

Try these biscuits, you will not be sad. The recipe recommends that you serve them immediately or flash freeze them, which are all good ideas. However, I found that the two biscuits that I had left over were delicious at school the next day with some extra butter and a few seconds in the microwave to warm them up.

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